Don’t Shoot a Refridgerator Full Of Tannerite

This is truly one of those “hold my beer… watch this!” moments.

It’s never a good idea to load excessive amounts of Tannerite in an enclosed metal container, then detonate it nearby. This old refrigerator, packed with six pounds of Tannerite, sits perhaps 50 yards away on some private property. Three guys and a lady are going to shoot at it until it blows up. Happily, they’ve taken some precautions. The shooter stands partly blanketed by a small, forked tree. The others aren’t in view but look like a few feet away, relying on the distance and their catlike reflexes in case things go south.

The fridge blows on the first shot. Its lower door comes directly at him over the grass at a superb pace. It looks like a few horrible ghost being summoned. It’s surprising that it doesn’t spin or get turned on its facet and are presented to them edgewise. Wherein case it would slice through the little tree like an arrow. Ss a substitute, it slams right into a bush 3 ft to the shooter’s left. He hasn’t even had time to flinch earlier than the door hits the bush. Smaller particles rain down. “Holy $#!%!” a person yells.

“Whoa!” shouts his friend. “Dude, that f%*$#ing door was coming right for you, dude!” The explosion has exceeded all expectations. It’s amazing!

Lesson learned, don’t do this at home.

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